Beastmaster excels at being that unit as it is also very cheap and can act as an off tank as well. It has been proven time and time again how AoE can affect early game to the point where one unit can bring win streaks and eventually create an economy that can win you the game. Hero Power Rating: 96/100 Beastmaster ( S Tier – Brawny Hunter ) – costs 2G AoE magic damage is the perfect burst damage in the game right now.His attack rate is at 1.10 which means he will get at least one ability off before he dies.Has a lot of mobility due to him also being an Assassin.Provides a carry through early game/mid game/late game.Waveform gets empowered by mages which is when you will most certainly see Morphling getting played.Regardless of the cost of other units, Morphling is considered to be the strongest unit in the game at the moment. He packs a massive amount of damage in his Waveform ability and provides a good counter to builds that tend to stand clumped up. Morphling has been the key unit for most magic damage builds. Hero Power Rating: 94/100 Morphling ( S Tier – Primordial Assassin ) – costs 2G Being a Warrior as well, he provides a lot of the damage for your tank line up.Tiny is part of the Primordials alliance and acts as core unit for one of the best builds in the game, Primordials/Assassin/Mages.More than that, his ability can carry out to be very useful even in mid game and sometimes late game. Being this cheap of a unit, you have at your disposal a unit capable of solo carrying early rounds. Tiny has been the strongest 1G stand-alone unit in Dota Underlords for quite some time now. Tiny ( S Tier – Primordial Warrior ) – costs 1G They are strong stand alone units that everyone should look forward to picking.Ī Tier (Most of the early to mid-game carries are part of these units)ī Tier (Stand-alone wise, these units don’t do very well)Ĭ Tier (The only purpose of these units is to complete a certain Alliance when you don’t have the piece you want)ĭ Tier (You want to usually stay away from these heroes)

S Tier - The units in this bracket will most certainly be found in the best builds and will most of the time be picked by the players that usually climb the ladder fast. The S tier contains the best units in the game and D tier, the worst. In this tier list I will present for you every unit in Dota Underlords and what is good to have early and late game. While some heroes bring a lot of utility, others will guarantee you a win due to their high dps. It’s very important to know what units you should always go for and what is not viable in your current meta. What is the best way to ensure a win in Dota Underlords?