
Goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast
Goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast

The old gentleman tries to explain himself, but the beast simply tells him that he must pay for having cut the rose with his own life. Suddenly, a great ferocious beast appears and scolds the man for having cut one of the roses he cares for above anything else in the world. As soon as said rose is cut, the wind begins blowing hard and the man realizes that something strange is happening. Remembering the promises made to his daughters, he knows he cannot bring the jewels and dresses Alicia and Pauline had asked for, but the castle gardens have many roses and the man decides to pluck one for Beauty. When morning arrives, the old gentleman loudly thanks his invisible, yet generous host and prepares to leave, for he realizes his children must be worrying. After dinner, the old man finds a comfortable bed and spends the night inside the enchanted castle. He leaves the horse in a welcoming stable and then walks over to the great dining room, where a delicious meal has been laid out for him.

goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast

The old gentleman leads his horse to the castle, where he finds all the doors open. On his way through the woods however, he loses his way and after a long ride finds a magnificent castle in the midst of the forest he had not even known existed. The old gentleman, downhearted and depressed, makes his way back to his new home in the country. The harbor master tells the man that the ship too is damaged beyond repair and advices him to sell what is left of it for scrap. The gentleman insists on looking inside the cargo hold where he finds all of his cargo to be trashed, spices, tea and even silk. In the city, the harbor master takes the old gentleman to inspect the ship which seems to be in very bad shape. Without wasting any time, the old gentleman says farewell to his children and riding on horseback, makes his long way to the city.

goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast

Excited, the two spoiled girls, Alicia and Pauline start asking for gifts, jewels and dresses, then the man asks of Beauty what she would like for herself and she humbly asks for a small rose. One day, a messenger arrives bringing the working men great joy, for one of the old ships had made its way to the harbor in the city, the Golden Swan, and it possibly might be filled with valuable cargo. The old gentleman and his two boys spend their days working outside in the great fields, while Beauty spends her time helping in any way she can, bringing the men their lunch, looking after the farm animals and her two grouchy sisters. Though his two spoiled daughters, Alicia and Pauline are not happy with the change, his three other children, the two boys Robert and Nathan and his beautiful daughter Beauty, have an easier time adapting. Finding himself in great debts, the heartbroken old gentleman sees no other option but to sell all of his property and move then with his children to the countryside, where they may begin a new life, without any real luxuries or riches. He had received news of his numerous ships carrying his valuable cargo being caught and destroyed in the sea off China. Well, I guess this wiki is completely useless now.The story begins when an old gentleman, father of five children, finds himself amidst great financial troubles. GoodTimes Entertainment is dead, but somehow, I became one of Phelous' most recurring characters in his web video shows! I even got to the point where I read some super creepy stories known as Creepypastas! Though I don't like the one about Squidward committing.you know. I learned that I can get money from losing my children I offered up the rest of my kids! Even I tricked that stupid Old Mayor from "The Christmas Tree", I really hated that guy. I sold my daughter to The Beast because I touched that thing's roses, and I regard wet things as completely useless now. I have two sons and three daughters! I love being rich while having a horse and coming to open doors because I think that I was expected to come to dinner!

goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast

Speaking of Beauty, that is the name of one of my daughters. Hello! I am the Old Man from the GoodTimes Entertainment version of Beauty and the Beast! I don't have a name yet because the writers of the story didn't even bother giving me and Beauty's siblings names!

Goodtimes entertainment beauty and the beast